Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Reflection for Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tuesday of the Third Week of Advent

JER 23:5-8
PS72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19
MT 1:18-25

Oh, how do I long for the justice of our God!

The world is broken, breaking, over and over, in every moment.

Oh… how do I long for the justice of our God?

The world is broken; it wants healing; but the justice of God… it would really turn my world upside down a lot.

Oh. How? Do I long for the justice of God?

I want to. I think I do. But the justice of God also sounds complicated and hard, and I wonder sometimes how I can have any part in something so big. How it could possibly happen for real at all, even.


This is how: the birth of Jesus Christ came about.

This is how: Jesus Christ is born Emmanuel, God with us.

This is how: the justice of God appears in our midst, already.

This is how the justice of God appears in our midst; this is how our deepest longing is fulfilled:

The birth of Justice, Love in our midst, came about.

The birth of Justice, Love in our midst, can come again.

The birth of Justice, Love in our midst, calls us in to it, each time it comes.

This is how: step by step, birth by birth, breaking by breaking, revolution by revolution.

Love has shown us how:
            the cry of the poor is heard and answered.
            the life of the poor is seen and saved.

Justice flourishes in God’s time:
            in every moment when the cry is heard, and the invisible seen,
            Love lives and breathes in our midst.

Justice flourishes in every moment when Love hears the words “do not be afraid”:

Do not be afraid to bind yourself to the bearer of God.
Do not be afraid to bind yourself to God.
Do not be afraid to love.

Love yourself:
            enough to loosen your grip on fear, love yourself.
Love yourself enough to make room for your neighbor:
            make room for your neighbor right next to you, and love them.
Love your neighbor, and meet God.
            Love God in your midst; find God in your love.

Love is born.

With us.

This is how.

The Rev. Beth Scriven pastors and advises the Rockwell House Episcopal Campus Ministry at SLU and WashU.

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