Friday, December 13, 2013

Reflection for Friday, December 13, 2013

Memorial of Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr

The Christmas season is one of my favorite times of the year. The immediate transformation of our communities and world around us into this festival of lights, cheer, and upbeat spirit can make any cold and frigid day seem a little bit warmer. This time of year is also very busy and filled with endless to do lists of tasks to accomplish or people to see. With this constant overflow of things to do, sometimes our attention gets too raveled up in the intricate commercial aspects of the holiday season. It is a common trend seen, and I am definitely guilty of falling into it.

All of these distractions can remove us from the true meaning of the Christmas season, which is the preparation of the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. While reflecting on the passages for today, Jesus commented on comparing this “generation” to children or those blinded by the various sights of God working around them. Both John the Baptist and Jesus preached the same beliefs but relayed God’s wisdom in different ways. We need to be able to take a step back from the distractions around us and notice God working intimately throughout our daily lives.

The beauty of having the opportunity of continuing my graduate education at SLU, is being able to see the light and spirit of the Jesuit mission all around us, literally. As the days get darker and temperatures get colder, I have noticed that the light of Jesus is still all around. One of my favorite spots on SLU’s campus is the intersection at Grand and Lindell, overlooking College Church. There is a giant nativity scene that illuminates the corner and with each evening passing I am always enamored by its tranquility and consistent reminder of God working within our lives this holiday season.

When we take a moment to set aside time for God and realize how He is personally working in our lives, we will be able to carry out our everyday actions in a more fulfilling way. God speaks to all of us differently. All we have to do is open our eyes and know that by following His will, will motivate us to spread his love to those around us and make our Christmas season even brighter.

Victoria Glatz recently graduated from SLU with a B.S. Nutrition and Dietetics in May 2013. She is currently completing her Dietetic Internship and earning her Master’s degree in Medical Dietetics at SLU. 

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