
Monday, November 28, 2016

Reflection for Monday, November 28, 2016

First Monday of Advent
IS 4:2-6

PS 122:1-2, 3-4 B, 4CD-5, 6-7, 8-9MT 8:5-11

“Alleluia, alleluia.
Come and save us, LORD our God;
let your face shine upon us, that we may be saved.
Alleluia, alleluia.”

Preparing our minds and our hearts – that is what Advent is all about.  Preparing to purify ourselves for the most awesome moment that is the birth of Jesus.  Today’s readings capture that hope for the moment.  In Isaiah, we hear about how the Branch of the Lord will be glorified.  And how there will be a purification – a purging and washing away of all the bad and the filth.  We also hear about how in this moment, there will be new creation and we will be sheltered and protected.  

The centurion in Matthew also wanted to provide shelter and protect.  He called upon Jesus to help cure his servant.  And he too had hope.  Jesus was pretty much astonished by the centurion.  In a sense, the centurion had also purified himself – purged himself of the fear of talking to someone like Jesus.  And perhaps he felt sheltered and protected by Jesus in this request.

This first Monday of Advent moves us along on that road to hope – the hope of the birth of Jesus.  But for the next several weeks – and even beyond that – how can we also purify ourselves and be a hope to others?  St. Ignatius calls us to ask ourselves:  What have I done for Christ?  What am I doing for Christ?  What ought I to do for Christ?

Picture Christ as that that person you may meet on the way to class; as the person in line at the check-out counter at the store; a friend who asks you to lend an ear in a moment of despair; someone sitting alone for a meal; a person who you know has been ridiculed by others.  Are you, like the centurion, fearful?  Can you overcome your fear because someone else needs you?  How can you help someone to feel sheltered and protected?

In recent weeks, we have heard a lot about the fear of those who our country sees as “different”– different in faith, race, origin, gender, ability and in a host of other ways. In this Gospel passage Jesus is called to help someone by one who is different than he is.  I can’t help but think, how I am called to help someone struggling at this time?  It is a cry that many will utter aloud this Advent:  “Come and save us, let your faith shine upon us”.  We cannot ignore that cry or that call, just as Jesus did not.  By our faith we are called to help.   Advent – preparing our minds and hearts.  Having hope.  Can you provide hope to someone this week?  This Advent?  This year? 

Sue Chawszczewski

Director of Campus Ministry

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